Friday, November 21, 2014

Evaluating Communication

This week we had an assignment to evaluate ourselves through some online quizzes.  In turn, two other individuals we know had to evaluate our communication as well.  Prior to this assignment I thought that I was an excellent communicator.  One thing that surprised me was my score on the verbal aggressive scale.  I tend to consider myself very mild-mannered and this score was not as high as I hoped it would be.  I will take this into consideration moving forward and recognizing any aggressiveness when dealing with others.  It was encouraging that when my colleague took the verbal aggressive scale test about me that my score was higher than I had received.

It is so interesting to realize how others perceive you and how you may be perceiving yourself without even noticing.  I do not tend to think I am as good of a listener as I could be.  I often become so passionate about a topic during conversation that I tend to interrupt others, however the listening test made me aware that in general I am a good listener.  Also, when another colleague took the test about me it too said that I was a good listener.  I think the process of evaluation and understanding yourself as a communicator is such an important part of being a human being and an early childhood educator.

Overall - I really enjoyed this assignment and will continue to seek out tests and quizzes that help me to reflect on my behaviors and evaluate myself personally and allow other to evaluate my skills and weaknesses.

1 comment:

  1. Caroline,
    You discussed how you could become a better listener. I realized after taking these evaluations that I like to talk a little too much. I need to practice becoming a better listener. I also realized that i like to communicate face to face rather than through sources such as face book or phone texting. I plan to work on becoming a better listener.
